MXI Xocai Distributor Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

You are a member if you were or are an MXI associate who (1) received less money from MXI than they paid MXI in fees or product purchases over the course of their associations with MXI, up to November 3, 2016, (2) made any payment to MXI to purchase product or pay fees between May 1, 2011 and November 3, 2016, and (3) were U.S. residents at any time between May 1, 2011 and the present.

Estimated Amount


Cash Award: Based on the amount of money you ever paid MXI less the amount of money you have ever received from MXI.

Product Award: Up to a $50.00 gift certificate or credit for future MXI product purchases. MXI will offer products with a cost below $50 (including shipping).

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Enrique Martinez, et al. v. MXI Corp., et al.
Case No. 3:15-cv-00243
District Court for the District of Nevada

Case Summary

This lawsuit resolves claims that the defendant ran a pyramid scheme in violation of Nevada law

Settlement Pool





MXI Settlement Administrator

Lain Faulkner & Co. PC

400 N St. Paul, Suite 600

Dallas, TX 75201

