Walgreens Wal-Born Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility:

Purchasers of Walgreens Wal-Born (an over-the-counter settlement for boosting the immune system and protecting against colds and viruses) made between December 1, 2004 and March 29, 2010.

Estimated Amount:

$5 per purchase (up to a maximum of 6 purchases)

Proof of Purchase:


Claim Form:

Walgreens Wal-Born Claim Form

Case Name: Federal Trade Commission v. Walgreen Co., Case No. 10-1813
Case Summary: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleged that Walgreens sold Wal-Born, an over the counter supplement, promoted as having benefits for reducing the risk of cold and flu, protecting against germs, reducing the severity of colds and flu, and boosting the immune system, claims that the FTC alleges were not true. Walgreens admitted no fault, but agreed to settle the case with the FTC before the case was decided by the court.
Settlement Pool: $5,970,000
Settlement Website: Walgreens Wal-Born Settlement on FTC Website
Claim Form Deadline: February 4, 2013
Claims Administrator: FTC v Walgreens
Claims Administration Center
P.O. Box 2517
Faribault, MN 55021-9517

(800) 598-3025